Lost World Adventures Travel Blog

Is It Safe to Travel in South America?

Written by Jayne Gillis | Feb 14, 2019 7:45:14 PM



We Travel Where You Travel

So you want to travel to Central and South America but you are hesitating. That little voice in your head keeps nagging: “Is it safe?” “Will I get some strange flu?” “Will an earthquake hit while I’m there?”

Here’s the thing. We travel where you travel. We don’t go where it isn’t safe (including health risks) and neither would we put you in harm’s way.

Every City or Country Has Unsafe Areas

If you are traveling from the United States, you know there are plenty of areas in cities either where you live or are familiar with that you would steer tourists away from. Central and South America are no different. In terms of crime, we know the most common crimes around the world are non-violent theft.

As A General Rule

  • When you see women and children, this is a general sign the area is safe.
  • Keep your travel plans, including accommodations to yourself.
  • Keep a photocopy of your passport with you and if possible, all other important documents in a different but safe place.
  • Try to rely more on credit cards than cash.
  • If you are approached by a potential thief, don’t take the macho approach!  It’s better to lose a few dollars and a wristwatch than get injured.
  • Avoid incidents such as fights, riots, or civil disobedience at all times.
  • Don’t hitchhike.
  • Travel during the day.
  • Use ATMs in the daytime.

Natural Disasters Do Happen

Earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, hurricanes, severe floods, and landslides do happen. The mystique of Central and South America lies in great part to the natural beauty, which natural disasters have contributed to and shaped the landscape over time.

That’s Why We’re Here. This is What We Do.

With 30 years of travel experience helping adventurers like you, we take you where you want to go and don’t take you where you wouldn’t want to go. We keep our finger on the pulse and from time to time change destinations that may be not be safe anymore. Let our expertise give you peace of mind.

Remember also that a tour operator gives you a safety net throughout your trip so if anything were to go wrong, we at Lost World Adventures, as well as the local support team, are on call to help with any sort of situation. So now you're ready to go! Click below to book your trip to South America!